Archie's Seabreeze
Archie's Seabreeze
No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problem
No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problem
Closing times may vary
depending upon weather and business.
Sunday Thru Wednesday Noon-8pm
Friday & Saturday Noon-9pm
Closed Christmas Day
February 27, 2020
Re: BINGO at Archie’s Seabreeze on Mondays
We regret to inform everyone that as a result of direction given to us today by the Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation (DBPR), we will no longer be able to hold BINGO at Archie’s Seabreeze.
We have been officially notified by the DBPR that we must cease all activities associated with BINGO immediately.
We are very sorry to have to do this, but it is always our intention, as well as our responsibility, to adhere to the letter of the law without hesitation and without question once such direction is given. We will comply immediately and completely with this order.
We will be announcing shortly our intentions for Mondays going forward. Until then, please accept our deepest appreciation to everyone who participated in our BINGO over the years and to thank everyone for the hundreds of thousands of dollars that have been donated to charity as a result.
Suzanne Quitt
General Manager, Archie's Seabreeze