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Archie's Seabreeze
Archie's Seabreeze
No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problem
No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problem
Closing times may vary
depending upon weather and business.
Sunday Thru Wednesday Noon-8pm
Friday & Saturday Noon-9pm
Closed Christmas Day
We reserve the right to ask any pet or its owner to leave if the rules are not followed.
Aggressive pets “Paws” itively will not be tolerated this includes growling, lunging, uncontrolled barking.
All pets must be on leashes and under control of owner at all times.
Pets are not allowed on tables, chairs or laps due to the health code. We will ask you once and then you will be asked to leave.
Please keep your pet’s leash length within two feet from your table.
You are responsible for any action or behavior exhibited by your pet at all times.
Archie’s assumes no responsibility for your pet.
Please ask your server for a water bowl and a spoon of peanut butter.
We love well behaved pets!
We have a few rules if you are bringing
your pet to the restaurant.

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